As many of you know, Cameron Grant was a long term member of CAG and is one of the reasons we are running the four sessions with the Warwickshire Association of Youth Clubs this term. Read more

As you know from the program, we are running an outdoor activities weekend in the Lake District during the weekend of October 14th – 16th. Read more

We are running a 2 night trip to Castleton in the Peak District for a weekend of fresh air and adventure, which is what we’re all about at CAG.  This is one of the very special trips we are running over the summer which is heavily subsidised.  The all-inclusive cost of the trip is just £30 per person and would have cost £130.  So if you want a weekend of camping and the chance to experience squeezing yourself through holes in rocks or dealing with waterfall climbs, tricky rock traverses, rocky obstacles and plunge pool jumping – this is the perfect trip for you.

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Great news: We are ALMOST full for the River Wye Trip!

Not so great: but are missing forms for the majority of people who want to take part. Read more

As you know we are running 20 To Alton Towers where if we get 20 members who want to go, we’re off to Alton Towers: for FREE! Read more

We’re off down the River Wye for the weekend of June 10th – 12th and it is FREE to members!! Read more

In case you don’t know or haven’t received your start of term letter, we’re off to Alton Towers!! (maybe)

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As you know we were planning to go mountain biking this weekend but lets change the plan. Who’s up for some paint balling in Earlswood? Read more

Following this weekend’s little adventure, we’ve got another this weekend:

Mountain Biking At Cannock Chase Read more

As published in the program we are taking a trip to our home in Shropshire to light some fires, cook good food, finally conquer the challenge of building a functional pizza oven and do a night expedition over Brown Clee. Read more