Thanks to everyone who responded about the trip.

We’ve got a number of people who have said they are coming on the trip but unfortunately, because of the logistics of the trip, we’re short of 2 people still. Read more

There are still places available but if you want to go we need your forms and payments today – please message if you INTEND to take part but can’t get forms to us in time – BUT WE NEED TO KNOW TODAY.

This is a great trip, everyone will LOVE it and it won’t be subsidised again, so come and have a great time!
Happy Ghyll Scrambling and thanks for your help.

Kind Regards

CAG Trips Dept | Office of EPIC Adventures

As you know from our outdoor program we are running our best ever Ghyll Scrambling trip on October 12th –  14th.

This is weekend trip to the Lake District to take part in an event that is best described by one word: EPIC!! Read more

As you know from the program, we are running a weekend of Surfing and Beach Games on the weekend of 29 June – 1 July 2018. Yes, the dates have changed due to those pesky GCSEs.

Of those who went last year some said this was the best trip they’d been on, some said it was the best trip EVER, and when we returned EVERYONE said that they wanted to do it again next year so here we go! Read more

We are heading to Herefordshire for the Bronze and Silver DofE practice expeditions on 06 July – 08 July 2018.  It will provide some essential preparation, working on all elements of the expedition part of your DofE award. Read more

For those going to play paintball tomorrow:

You’ve seen the weather forecast all week: it’s going to be COLD. The wind will be blowing through and making it colder still so you need to wrap up warm.  Read more

As you know from the program we have a day of paint balling coming up on March 17th.

This is a full day of shooting each other, starting at 9am and ending around 4pm but participants can leave earlier if they need. Read more

Please find the Outdoor Program for 2018 attached below.

This is our program for all overnight trips this year. If we can, we will add others but this is our best plan at the moment. Read more

The program for this term is attached and we hope you approve!!

There’s a lot going on and we aren’t always going to be at CAG Towers, so please make sure you know where you are going each week. Read more