We have arranged a day out at Delta Force Paintball in Earlswood for the day of Saturday November 23rd. We have  enough places for everyone who wants to go and friends / family will be welcome to attend as well but if we are oversubscribed and can’t get more places we will give priority to current members first and those that handed in their forms earlier than others thereafter. Members don’t have to attend with other family, but family members are welcome to come along if they want. Read more

This Tuesday we are doing the walk that has been planned for the last couple of weeks.

It will be dark and if it isn’t raining it will still be wet underfoot. Therefore, you need to bring the following: Read more

Bag packing at Sainsbury’s this weekend is taking place at the Marshall Lake Road, Shirley store, not the store in Solihull. Sorry about that, our mistake! Read more

I hope the summer is going well an everyone is having a little bit of sun at least.

The Bronze and Silver assessment expeditions are almost upon us. Please see the Trip Information pack to the right of this article for all the info. Read more

In the past 12 months, ALL MEMBERS of the group, Smalls and Bigs, have take part in activities that has used group equipment for either a Tuesday night event or a weekend event.

We issue equipment required for the events being undertaken, either a night hike to Knowle on a Tuesday evening or a weekend expedition of whatever purpose. Most of it comes back – despite our best efforts with our equipment logging system, some of it hasn’t. The total cost of equipment that hasn’t been returned in the last 12 months is over £600 – or £4 per member each term this year. Read more

Some members of CAG have arranged and are running their own jumble sale to help them take part in CAG trips in future.

It is taking place this Saturday at Archbishop Ilsley School, Acocks Green – click for location – starting at 11am for dealers and 12pm for general public (£1 entry, kids free). Read more