A couple of weeks ago we gave out two Gift Card brochures and a letter to each member explaining about the Christmas Card offer.

We need to get all orders for cards in tomorrow – the company offering the cards are expecting our order no later than Thursday. Read more

We are outside all night this week practicing for our major activity next week: a huge team construction project. There is a lot to get right for next week so we will practice this week with a smaller project that will still be demanding! Read more

We are still missing some equipment from the event on October 2nd. It is most likely that it is still in a back pack or bag that was used on the event.

The item concerned is a fuel bottle, picture below:

Trangia Fuel Bottle

We really need to get these back: they cost £15 each and can’t be used for anything other than carrying meths. Please can everyone have a look in their backpacks  or any other bags at home and let us know if you have it, we will be grateful to have it back as our funds to replace equipment no longer exist.


Tonight we handed out two brochures per member of some Christmas  and year round Greeting Cards from Phoenix Trading. Purchasing cards from Phoenix Trading will help us to raise money for Challenge Adventure Group at the same time. Phoenix Trading have raised over £1.5 million worldwide for good causes since 1995, and their product packs offer us all the chance to stock up on high quality, great value cards whilst raising money.

There are two brochures: one for members and family, one to be handed to other friends and family.

Challenge Adventure Group will earn 30% commission on every pack of greeting cards and Christmas cards sold, and with pack prices ranging from £5 to £24, and seven packs to choose from, we hope there is something for everyone.

Please share the brochures with family, friends and neighbours over half term and encourage them to place an order.

We request all orders, with payment in full, be returned by 6th November so please bring them to CAG on our meeting directly after half term.

If you need any more brochures please let us know and we will get some to you.

Please make cheques payable to Challenge Adventure Group.

The individual who manages to get the most orders (in monetary value) from family, friends and neighbours will get a £ 10 voucher.

Thank you in advance for your support and participation.

We’ve had to juggle the program a little as we need are waiting for some equipment to be delivered that we need for the items coming up for the next few weeks.  Read more

A quick reminder for you that the 2013 Program announcements and AGM meeting is tonight at St Phillips Church Hall.

This is an alternative to our usual weekly meetings and gives us a chance to meet reward those that have achieved awards, give out some cheques, get some cheques, etc etc.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight!

As shown on the program we are paintballing on October 20th.

Sorry for the late send on the forms (been getting some work done for a change) – we need the forms back as soon as possible. We have asked for them to be returned by Monday morning at the latest but if you can return them as soon as possible before then it will really help us out.

The forms are attached – please fill them out and return to 75 St Johns Close, B93 0NN.

Don’t forget:

Get your forms back as soon as possible over the weekend – numbers are limited!!!

Let us know if you have any questions.

Next week we are not meeting in Bickenhill on Tuesday evening – instead it is on Wednesday evening at St Phillips Church Hall, Manor Road, Dorridge.

Every member has had a letter through their door about this meeting and asked to indicate their attendance but we have almost half of our members yet to reply.

The evening is an opportunity to meet the leaders and other members / parents, see what we’ve done in the last year, what we are getting up to in the next year, some announcments on trips for 2013 and a short AGM in the middle.

The letter is attached with the reply slip on the second page and an AGM committee nomination form on the last page. As outlined in our letter at the start of the term, we are particularly in need of a Chairperson and Secretary. Since the start of the term the Treasurer has stated he wishes to move on to other roles and we require a person to fill that role as well as the other non exec roles outlined in the letter.

Without these roles being fulfilled the group ceases to operate.

Ifyou haven’t yet replied please will you return the form indicating your attendance and provide any nominations on the following page. You can also reply to nick@challengeadventure.org

Please let us know if you have any questions, we look forward to seeing you next week.

Finally, the program is ready!!

We are a little bit of a way through the term but please find the program attached.  Read more

Well done to those that got around the route – plenty to discuss next week!!

We are still missing some equipment so will parents please check with their sons if they have any of the following equipment: Read more