We’ve had to change our plans a little for the Bigs tomorrow.

We were planning on being at Arden school to get some work done on eDofE and rehearsals for the presentations next week, but…..Arden have decided that we can’t use their IT facilities so we are having to go to Tudor Grange Academy. Read more

A reminder for you that on December 5th we are having an information evening for all new and current D of E participants and parents.

This is for all year 9 members and above and any friends who would like to take part in the award. It is an important evening to outline the award to new participants and their parents and bring current award participants and parents up to date on our plans for running the award during this school year. Read more

On December 5th we are having an information evening for all new and current D of E participants and parents.

The D of E Award is the main part of our program for year 9 and above from January onwards. Read more

We’ve had to juggle the program a little as we need are waiting for some equipment to be delivered that we need for the items coming up for the next few weeks.  Read more

We are having a one to one surgery to help all D of E participants get your awards started and finished. You need to bring your evidence of progress and reports if you have finished a section. If possible, please bring them electronically (USB memory stick). We will get them up loaded to your E D of E account and work out how to get you to the finish of your award.

Everyone else – the weather is wet, please make sure to bring appropriate clothing in case we go outside.

Let us know if you have any questions.