We are all out and about this week at Hay wood near Lapworth.

If you don’t know where Hay Wood is, click this link for instructions: https://goo.gl/maps/ULoqm  Read more

Sorry for the late send but the introductory letters for the term with the permission forms went in the post yesterday.

You will receive them tomorrow or Monday – please look out for them as they are just plain white envelopes and may be missed. Read more

Hope everyone had a good Easter and are looking forward to the new term – it starts tomorrow!!

This new term has a load of outdoor activities in Bickenhill and further afield. We also have three trips coming up during the term: 2 D of E weekends and a camping weekend in Wales for everyone and anyone.

All the details will be in the program for the term that we will try to get out to you tomorrow – it’s not ready yet. Read more

Sorry for the late send of these details!!

All members will be in Bickenhill tonight including the smalls group – sorry, but we don’t have enough leaders to run the Creation Climbing program as well as the Bickenhill program.

So, instead, all members will be in Bickenhill where we will be outside having a couple of games, give out some awards, get a start on planning D of E practice routes and have a burger or two.

Normal start time, 7pm, CAG polos and fleece required.

See you later!

Tomorrow night we have a split program for the meeting: smalls and bigs will be in different places doing different things. Please note the following: Read more

We are as per the program tonight:

  • Smalls: you are doing the wide game as advertised. You will be outside so please make sure to wear shoes that can get muddy and maybe wet. It will be cold as well so make sure to wear your fleece and an appropriate jacket. Read more

Slight change of plan for the Smalls tomorrow and we need to be clear about everyone else, so the plans are as follows: Read more

For those that are undertaking their Silver D of E this year, please find attached the required route files to upload to your E D of E mapping accounts: Read more

We are running a weekend camping and hiking training trip to Mousley End in Warwickshire on the weekend of March 15th– 16th 2014. Read more

We had some items of lost property left behind last night: Read more