Tonight we are going to try to get out side for a group competition between everyone. The weather might be a little bit of a challenge but we are going to go with it so please be prepared for a little bit of rain and perhaps a wet field underfoot.

We are going to try to get some D of E catchup work in as well for those that need it. Expedition planning will continue next week when members are back from exams.

See you later!

PS Program coming out this afternoon – hopefully!!

Two Programs as usual tomorrow:

  • Non-expeditioners (smalls and others) are outside all night, bring gardening gloves but don’t forget to take them home with you!
  • Expeditioners are continuing progress towards the summer expeditions. Read more

It’s been a while since our ski trip in 2014 and you may remember that we asked those of you who were interested and on that trip, to come up with a ski trip video and get it on YouTube. Read more

We are meeting back tomorrow night for the first meeting of the term.

Pretty much everyone was out on expedition over the Easter break and there is a lot of equipment that needs returning. Please will everyone bring back the kit they have in their possession – we need to make sure we get it all back and don’t want to draw out the process. Read more

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the expedition this weekend.

It was wet, windy and not brilliantly warm – challenging conditions but everyone did a fantastic job: WELL DONE!! Read more

We are all going to be very busy tomorrow night, so please can you read the following to make sure you know what you are doing and bring the right stuff with you. Read more

We are all at Archbishop Ilsley School pool this week, swim shorts and towel required!! Directions are at – please use the Shirley Road entrance to the school as shown.

Drop off for 7.15pm, not 7pm, pickup will be at 9pm.

See you tomorrow!

We are running a weekend camping and hiking training trip in Warwickshire on the weekend of March 28th– 29th 2015.

This is a trip FOR ALL MEMBERS – BIGS, SMALLS and who ever else wants to take part: Read more

We have the usual two programs taking place tomorrow:

  • Expedition participants are continuing with their planning for the training route at the end of this term.
  • Everyone else WAS going to be at Creation  Climbing but they’ve run out of instructors, so we can’t do that. Come to Bickers as normal, it’s a nice night out tomorrow, come and find out what’s going on!

See you tomorrow!

A quick recap of activities for tomorrow: Read more