Entries by CAG Admin

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Activities Tomorrow

We’re outside tomorrow night with an event for each team to build the best structure from the materials provided. It’s going to be wet underfoot an a little cool – you will need wellies or boots of another kind, trainers won’t work at all, gardening gloves are required or gloves of another kind at least, and […]

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Tonights Activities

Sorry for the late update, been a lot going on. Tonight the activities are being run by our team of young leaders – whatever is going to happen is all up to them. We will be outside though and there will be lots of team activities going on so make sure to wear appropriate clothing […]

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CAG Ski Trip 2016

Following our awesome 2010, 2012 and 2014 ski trips we are starting to plan our 2016 ski trip. Our previous trips have been described by those that went on them as the best trips they have ever been on – including the famous Arden Year 10 ski trip!!!

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Castleton Trip November 7th – 9th

We are running a 2 night trip to Castleton for an autumnal weekend of fresh air and adventure. If you want to experience squeezing yourself through holes in rocks covered in mud or suspending from a bridge with just your toes touching the top before trusting a length of rope to safely land you at […]