Entries by CAG Admin

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We’re back tonight!

We’re starting back for the new term tonight at 7pm. Doors will be open from 6.50. Please don’t forget: Your permission forms To make your fee payment online if you haven’t yet done so To wear your CAG polo and fleece if you have been issued them. You can try wearing a different sweater if […]

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Annual Awards Evening – Dec 16th

We are going out for our annual End of Year awards to the Ellora in Knowle on December 16th. We will have a meal and then give out some awards such as D of E and best in year group, etc– there’s also a quiz for members to have a go at with some prizes […]

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This Tuesday: Swimming at Archbishop Ilsley

We are all at Archbishop Ilsley School pool this week, swim shorts and towel required!! Directions are at https://goo.gl/maps/bpVxA – please use the Shirley Road entrance to the school as shown. Drop off for 7.15pm, not 7pm, pickup will be at 9pm. This is a team event, all team members are required! Let us know of any […]

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eDofE Update Deadline

As you know we have asked D of E participants to get their accounts as up to date as possible so we can sign off activities and present awards at the end of this term.