Entries by CAG Admin

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Tomorrow Night

We are all at Archbishop Ilsley School pool this week, swim shorts and towel required!! Directions are at https://goo.gl/maps/bpVxA – please use the Shirley Road entrance to the school as shown. Drop off for 7.15pm, not 7pm, pickup will be at 9pm. See you tomorrow!

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Tomorrow Night

We have the usual two programs taking place tomorrow: Expedition participants are continuing with their planning for the training route at the end of this term. Everyone else WAS going to be at Creation  Climbing but they’ve run out of instructors, so we can’t do that. Come to Bickers as normal, it’s a nice night […]


D of E Registration Forms

If you are of D of E age (year 9 and above), are taking part in the program this year and you haven’t yet completed a registration form for either Bronze or  Silver awards you need to do so. The registration form is attached to this article. Please fill it out and return it to […]

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No Meeting This Week

A quick reminder for you that there is no meeting this week as all our adults are busy elsewhere – if you are an adult and would like to help us avoid these cancellations please let us know, we would all value your assistance and you will have a great time! We will be back […]

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Fund Raising For CAG this Weekend

CAR WASH SATURDAY MORNING We are washing cars as usual this weekend – we need at least 10 people to wash cars this weekend so if you can attend please email stu@challengeadventure.org to let him know you will be attending. If there aren’t enough people to wash the event won’t be able to go ahead so PLEASE let Stu […]