Entries by CAG Admin

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We’re going swimming tomorrow!

We’re at the Archbishop Ilsley Pool tomorrow night. Directions are at https://goo.gl/maps/bpVxA – please use the Shirley Road entrance to the school as shown. Drop off for 7.00pm as normal, pickup will be at 9pm. Don’t forget your swimshorts! See you tomorrow.

Wanted: A missing CAG fleece

For those of you who were at laser quest last Tuesday, could you please check to see if you accidentally picked up a CAG fleece which didn’t belong to you?

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Change of Plan for NON Skiers Tomorrow

Due to the weather being pretty horrible tomorrow it didn’t seem right to continue with the intention of being outside tomorrow evening. So, a change of plan that we hope will work out for everyone: Laser Quest / Quasar Elite (or whatever it is called) at Acocks Green. We have booked the entire arena for […]

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We’re inside tonight!

Sorry, it’s a nice night but the field is like a marsh so we’ll be inside tonight. Please can everyone, especially those who didn’t bring them back last week as required, bring all outstanding forms back tonight so we can get them all back. Ta!! See you later, CAG Polos & Fleece are required!

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A Couple of Quick Reminders

We’ve got some activities coming up that we need to everyone’s response on so we can make the appropriate arrangements on your behalf. We’ve had some replies, thank you to those who have replied, we need to get replies those who haven’t told us their intentions yet: