Entries by CAG Admin

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Car Washing This Weekend

We’re car washing again this weekend – it’s going to be cold, but sunny, so participants will need to wrap up warm and bring marigold gloves or their hands will be pretty cold!!! (Tip: get a large pair, wear some thin woolly gloves first, marigolds over the top, job done.)

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Car Washing This Weekend

We’re car washing again this weekend – it’s going to be cold, but sunny, so participants will need to wrap up warm and bring marigold gloves or their hands will be pretty cold!!! (Tip: get a large pair, wear some thin woolly gloves first, marigolds over the top, job done.)

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Communications from CAG

Following last night’s event is was apparent some parents and members weren’t receiving information from us on either one or both of the two platforms we use to communicate with you, email and WhatsApp – and that caused issues.