Entries by CAG Admin

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Reminder for Skiing At Ackers

Please can you tell us, as soon as possible unless you already have, your requirements for skiing after half term: whether you need an instructor or are a recreational skier (and CAN ski) and if you want to bring a friend. Cost is £10 per person regardless of ability or whether you need an instructor.

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Tomorrow Night and Feb 28th

Tomorrow night we are in Bickenhill with a common program between the Smalls and Bigs. It’s a regular start  with a couple of  activities and then we are staying inside to do some First Aid work as the first expedition of the season is coming up in a couple of weeks time and we need […]

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Next Week at Bickers

Sorry all, the program is still being worked on as we speak. To keep you up to date without it: next week is expedition training for those undertaking that, and it is week two of the new term team challenge. There are two parts to the team challenge next week:

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We’re back today!

Hope you had a good break – we are back for the new term tonight. We are going to be inside tonight so don’t worry about wearing outdoor shoes or waterproofs. Please remember to bring back: D of E registration form if you are year 9 or above and haven’t yet done so Ski Trip […]