As you know we are all going Kayaking and Canoeing together at Leam Boat Centre next week.

We have to book places for participants so we know we have enough instructors and boats for all participants and make payment for them. Hence we need to know who is and who ISN’T attending AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We did ask you to let us know on May 30th but as yet we have only had 12 responses.

If you have responded already, thank you!! If you haven’t you need to tell us if you are coming to that session or not. If we get to the session and run out of instructors and boats because you haven’t told us you are attending or not we will have no option but to prioritise those who have – that means you will stand on the side watching instead of joining in.

The evening will start in Leamington at 7pm and will finish at 8.30pm. The cost will be £11 per person. A map of the location is available here:

We will count numbers up on Monday morning and confirm the booking so all responses need to be returned by Sunday evening at the latest!!

Please send your response using the form below:

    Member Name (required):

    Member Email (required)

    Member trip intentions:

    I will be making payment by:

    Any other message

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