Please get to Ackers for 7.15pm – it is a half hour journey from Knowle area and traffic at that time is always a nightmare so please make sure you leave enough time. The location is here:

Each skier will need long sleeves, trousers and gloves – you don’t want bare skin to touch that mat, it’s rough!! It looks like it will be relatively warm tomorrow evening, but WET so waterproofs will be required as we will be outside for at least an hour or so. The boots may not fit you brilliantly so a spare pair of long walking socks might be useful.

We will split in to three different groups based on ability so we will do that at 7.15pm.

Please bring a £10 note with you as payment for the evening – on this occasion it is FAR easier to just do it with cash, thanks for your help on this.

Pick up time will be normal time, the session finishes at 8.45pm so by the time we’ve handed skis back etc it will pretty much be 9pm.

Thanks for your help, please let us know of any questions.