Good Evening




Qualifying Expedition and final preparations

The DofE guidelines were reviewed last year and there is no longer a requirement for a practice expedition for the bronze level.  Therefore, the qualifying weekend has been brought forward from 20-21 July to 06-07 July.  To ensure the group is ready, we are running an expedition training day on Sunday 30th June (this was Saturday but it clashed with the CAG car wash). We will meet at Bickenhill at 11am and expect to finish around 4pm.  If the location changes to somewhere more exciting, we’ll let you know!

On Tuesday 4th June, we ran a DofE session and the group were challenged with three key tasks to complete between now and 25th June.  They have been given the details and a copy of their instructions are attached.  In summary these are;

  1. They plotted their routes on an OS Map and now need to create the map and route card within the DofE Mapping website. For the route card to generate the correct timings they need to enter a start time, please pass this onto them; Group 1 is 10:30am and Group 2 is 10:45am.

  2. We briefed them on the aim (aka a project) for the expedition and provided some examples to help them decide.  They need to confirm what their idea for their aim is and how they will record it.

  3. Draft a team meal plan for Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast and Sunday lunch).  Tip: remember the food they had on the March training weekend.  They must cook a minimum of one hot meal a day.

There are two groups for the expedition and each group have set up a group chat to make the arrangements.  By now they should have arranged when they are all meeting up to complete the above.  Can you please check this has been done so it’s not left to the last minute.

Group 1: Charlie, Aidan, Ben, Luke, Ryan, Callum and Sam

Group 2: Harry, Joe D, Jack, Jacob, Joe S and Sandile

Useful links to help with these tasks;

eDofe Mapping YouTube Video:

EDofE Mapping User Guide: (or

Ideas for expedition aims:


eDofE Updates

At the DofE Introduction Meeting in October, we talked about the importance of keeping their eDofE accounts up to date and not leaving it to the end.  Out of the 13 participants, six have logged in during the last month, four haven’t logged in for over 4 months and the remainder somewhere in between.

Can we please ask participants (with support from parents) to take some time to update the eDofE accounts with evidence and completed Assessor Reports.  If we don’t see significant progress, we will be discussing the feasibility of those participants taking part in the expedition (which is only a quarter of their award – and the most fun part!).  The DofE recommend participants do not take part in the expedition if they haven’t got at least one section completed, and this is incentive is one CAG supports.


Tuesday night behaviour

The leaders have had some challenging Tuesday evenings with the majority of the bronze team and have had to speak to them frequently about their behaviour.  Specifically, their ability to concentrate, listening to instruction and carrying out the task.  They admit it’s due to the distraction of having their mates around them.

We typically complete all of the training in the Winter term, but this year we have had to put on additional DofE nights to complete the expedition training framework to ensure they are fully trained and can be safe on expedition.  This has been explained to them on the last two meetings and the impact it has i.e. they don’t get to do so much of the fun summer activities.

To be very honest we are feeling frustrated because we know every participant has the ability to do brilliantly on their expedition; individually they can really focus.  We want nothing more than to see them succeed on expedition and to complete their awards.  We put a huge amount of time into supporting them throughout their DofE and it is disappointing that on occasion we feel a lack of respect from the group when they’re all together.

With just a few weeks remaining to their expedition, we cannot continue in this manner.  The leaders are feeling demotivated by and we would be very grateful if parents could remind their son of the behaviour which is expected.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or requests for support.

Kind Regards


DofE Manager

Challenge Adventure Group