We’re off down the River Wye for the weekend of June 10th – 12th and it is FREE to members!!

This is a weekend expedition on the River Wye from Whitney on Wye to Hereford doing the whole trip in Canoes. You don’t need any experience to take part, this is a great part of the River Wye for anyone to have a go at.

It is a really beautiful part of the country and a great opportunity to have a go at something you might not have done before. It’ll be fun, hopefully hot and possibly a little wet!

We’ll be taking three instructors with us and a couple of other adults so there’s plenty of supervision, but there aren’t enough places for everyone!

If you want to go on this trip please get your forms to us as soon as possible. If you want to get in early, you can fill out the form below to tell us you want to take part, but you MUST get your permission and health forms to us at the next meeting on Tuesday May 17th.

Please read the documentation, all information in there – let us know if you have any questions.

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    I will be taking part in the canoe expedition on June 10th - 12th and will get forms o you at the next meeting:

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