A quick reminder for you that we have got some events coming up in the program for you to get involved in:
- Paintball this weekend: we’ve all been a but busy so we haven’t been able to bring this up previously but if there is interest we can still play this Sunday. We have got a deal for any member, friend, family members to play for £35 which includes a full day of play with 500 paintballs. Any members of the winning team 2 last term will be able to play at half cost: £17.50To take part in the event please download the following two documents:
Sorry for the short notice, we need to book the places AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so ask that all forms and payments are received by the end of Wednesday 23rd September – if you can get your forms back before then it will help us ENORMOUSLY. Thanks for your help, please let us know if you have any questions.
- Night Walk, October 2nd: Some members will remember we have mentioned a former member called Cameron Grant in the recent past. Cameron was a very long term member of CAG who got a huge amount out of the activities we ran and left us to complete his college studies and go university a couple of years ago. Unfortunately Cameron was suffering in silence from mental health issues and took his own life just under a year ago. The Cameron Grant Memorial Trust is running an event Cameron loved to take part in as a method of raising some money to assist young people with mental health issues and to highlight the issue: a night walk will be taking place on October 2nd that is open to anyone who wants to take part. The start and finish will be at Fentham Hall in Hampton in Arden and the walk will be around 7km, taking in Bradnocks Marsh, Barston, Walsal End and back to Hampton. To register on the event please visit www.camgrant.org.uk – it will be a great event and we encourage everyone to take part.
That’s it, please let us know if you have any questions.