We hope you have all had a great summer – we start the winter term next week!! We’re back on Sept 9th at 7pm as usual.

The program for the term will be coming out via email shortly so please look out for that.

Over the next day or so we will deliver the intro information and permission form for the term through your door. Please look out for it and make sure to return the permission form at the first meeting back. Membership fees are all online from this point onwards, we won’t be accepting cash or cheques in order to save time and trees. All the information you need to make payment is on the letter going out over the next day or so.

The meeting on September 16th is a CAG information evening for parents and members – we’ve got a lot of good stuff going on and we are inviting parents to come along on that evening to find out all about it and how it affects your son. Please put the date in your diary, we start at 7pm.

Finally, we’ve got some spaces in our smalls year groups – if you know of someone from the age of 10 and up who would like to do something more interesting than homework and telly during the week please let us know or ask them to contact us, we would love to have them join us!

Hope you are all having a great summer!!

We have just had information from the Tall Ships organisation that they have some very special offers on at the moment to fill some spaces on voyages taking place in the next week or so. Read more

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Read more

These are the plans for tomorrow: Read more

Thanks to all who have sent back their permission forms and fee for the term.

However, there are still a lot of outstanding forms and fees that need to be returned (and we’ve only got three sessions left!). Read more

As you know we are at Leam Boat Centre tomorrow. For those that are coming you need to bring: Read more

As you know we are all going Kayaking and Canoeing together at Leam Boat Centre next week.

We have to book places for participants so we know we have enough instructors and boats for all participants and make payment for them. Read more

Well done and thank you to all who took part in the Dorridge Fun Run.

We need to collect in your sponsorship now. Please will you collect it from your sponsors and hand in to the next meeting with your sponsorship form so that any additional Gift Aid benefit from the taxman can be collected as well. Read more

We are meeting tomorrow at 6.30pm but we are going to meet near to the Village  Hall car park (next to the bowling club and Railway pub) and NOT at the park car park.

A map of the location of the village hall is here: https://goo.gl/maps/9eOIP

If you can, please bike to the village hall. We will meet just on the park side of the hedge next to the village hall to stay out of their way but if you need to drive there to drop off that will be the nearest car park.

Please make sure to have:

  • a bike with good working brakes
  • pumped up tyres
  • everything working!
  • A drink
  • some money for a stop at a shop part way round if you want but this isn’t necessary.

Pick up time will be 9pm back at the park by the village hall.

See you tomorrow!

We’ve now got all the forms in for the trips coming up – thanks for sending these in.

Please will you take note of the following as we need more participants in one of them:

Hiking and Biking In Wales

We don’t have enough people to make this trip viable at the moment. This will be a fantastic weekend if we are able to run it – if you were considering coming along please do so, it will enable us to run the trip for everyone else and you will have a great time!

Please let us know by the end of Sunday or earlier if you wish to come along – we will rearrange after this date if it we don’t have enough people. Forms and information are available to download here.

Paintball Trip – June 28th

We have now booked this trip – if you want to join us you are very welcome but you need to add yourself to our group. Call the booking office on 0844 777 5115 and ask to join our group at the Birmingham location on June 28th using postcode B93 0NN and under the name “Thomas”.